Since its beginning, PLANTA has woven an extensive network of collaboration with artists and institutions, supporting artistic creation in all of its manifestations.
Sustainable materials and processes
Sorigué develops a sustainable drainage floor for the installation by Cristina Iglesias presented at the summer group exhibition of the Royal Academy of Arts (London).
Call Out
The work of Studio Korinsky and Orhan “aib” Kavrakoğlu has been awarded with the Fundació Sorigué – ISEA2022 Barcelona research and artistic production grant within the framework of the ISEA2022 – 27th International Symposium on Electronic Art.
Art at the service of science
Fundació Sorigué, through PLANTA project, has supported for years the research carried out by Armin Linke on the forces that impact the Earth’s surface. The results of this research could be seen in the exhibition co-produced by PLANTA and Matadero Madrid in Nave 0.
What possibilities begin to appear when a gravel pit stops its activity
Collaboration with the artist Lara Almárcegui for her work “Graves” and her action “Gravera aturada” on the occasion of her exhibition at the Centre d’Art La Panera in Lleida.
New artistic productions for Sónar Festival
SonarPLANTA was a joint initiative between PLANTA and Sónar, International Festival of Advanced Music and New Media Art, to encourage new artistic productions emerging in the cultural space between new technologies and contemporary creation. SonarPLANTA promoted research and experimentation in creative languages around technology and supported the work of the current generation of digital artists.
Between 2014 and 2017, SonarPLANTA invited international artists to take part every year through a call to present New Media Art proposals inspired by the PLANTA project. The project selected for each edition was exclusively produced and made its debut in the SonarPLANTA space at the Sónar event held for the Day of Barcelona.
Meeting point for new international film talent
The Fundació Sorigué presented in April 2014, ‘MOVIEMENT. Fundació Sorigué’, an international meeting of film schools that brought together students with prestigious professionals from the film and audiovisual sector.
Masía Sant Jordi de Mollé, a historic site surrounded by nature in the region of La Noguera (Lleida), where the Sorigué group develops part of its agricultural activity, was the place chosen to accommodate the participants. La Plana del Corb, located in Balaguer (Lleida), which houses the industrial facilities of the business group, was the stage given to the participants to carry out their productions.