The Fundació Sorigué collection provides the basis for PLANTA’s artistic project.
Over the last 20 years, the foundation has been building one of the most important private art collections in Spain. Composed of more than 450 works by national and international artists, the collection stands out as clearly humanist.

Some of these works are on show at PLANTA: benchmark pieces that bear witness to humanity’s evolution and permanence, tradition and innovation, boundaries and origins. The collection features major national and international artists, some of whom already have their own site-specific work at PLANTA, although it also includes lesser known names. PLANTA’s choice to back emerging talent is reflected through projects that boost new artistic creation.
The foundation runs a museum in the city of Lleida where it organises temporary exhibitions with accompanying educational programmes.
Over the last few years, it has put on shows by artists such as Antonio López, Wim Wenders, Chiharu Shiota, Oscar Muñoz and Mat Collishaw. At the same time, it has organised and co-produced more exhibitions in different spaces.